Okay! This is where site updates will be said!
To start off. This site is provided by JustAutmn and myself (1Timestones) We do our best to get the site to run as smoothly as possible. It features to stories under TheThreeCodes name. "The Tribes' Last Hope," and "The Last True Sorantae." They star different characters, Hope and Oraniki. JustAutumn helps out on this site and it's a role-play group over on DeviantArt. Feel free to join there and begin role-playing.
If you have a website of your own and would like to affiliate with us. Just comment here, or shoot us a message at DeviantArt. Hope you viewers enjoy the stories and everything on the site! Also, if you would like a song added to the playlist provided, do the same as you would with affiliate requests!


    I'm a drawing fanatic and like animals a ton. Did I meantion that I like animals a ton?


    August 2012